Leonard Law, PLLC
Leonard Law, PLLC

Please note: We are offering virtual appointments for our clients at this time.
Please contact our office to discuss your options.

You Do Not Have To Suffer Creditor Harassment

Are you tired of getting harassing phone calls from creditors at home and at work? Do you dread checking the mail? Are you afraid to check your credit report? Are you suffering from wage garnishments? If you answered yes to any of the above questions and you live in King County or the surrounding area, Seattle’s Leonard Law, PLLC can help you. We focus a large part of our practice on protecting consumer rights, stopping creditor harassment and giving our clients back their peace of mind.

We have experience fighting the largest collection agencies in Washington state, including AllianceOne; CACH LLC; Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC; Patenaude & Felix; National Collegiate Student Loan Trust; and Suttell, Hammer & White, PS. By choosing our law firm to help you overcome your financial challenge, you can put our experience to work for you.

How Our Law Firm Works For You

When a client turns to us for help, we follow a standard path initially, which includes the following steps:

  • Confirmation: We make sure the debt is really yours. Often, collection agencies sue the wrong person. This is especially common with credit card debt.
  • Examination: We examine the type of debt, because different debt types have different options. For example, sometimes a Washington state resident burdened with excessive medical debt can request a charity care application.
  • Investigation: We ensure the creditor’s actions are legal. The Washington State Collection Agency Act, the Federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and the Washington’s Consumer Protection Act all provide protection to consumers. If the creditor harassing you is in violation of these laws, we will use the WCAA, FDCPA or WCPA violation to stop the harassment and, if applicable, pursue damages.

Stop The Harassment Today

Some people suffer through years of creditor harassment before asking for professional help. Instead of continuing to suffer, why not take the first step toward stopping the harassment today? Call 206-486-1176 or email us to schedule your consultation with our experienced debt relief attorney.

Our lawyer will work with you not only to stop harassment but also to help you escape your seemingly never-ending debt cycle and achieve financial stability.

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.

NACA | National Association of Consumer Advocates | Member
WSAJ | Eagle | 2024